Metvix (Methyl Aminolevulinate)
Brand: Metvix
Active Ingredient(s): Methyl Aminolevulinate
Strength: 168 mg / g
Pack Size: 2 g Cream
Store in the refrigerator.
DIN: 02323273
Manufacturer: Galderma Canada Inc. (Canada)
*A valid prescription is required for Rx items.
Metvix (Methyl Aminolevulinate) is a light-sensitive agent. It is typically used with light therapy to treat pre-cancerous skin growths on the face and scalp called actinic keratosis (AK) that are thin and not dark-colored. It is also used to treat primary superficial basal cell carcinoma (a skin cancer) outside of the facial H-zone (ears, nose, upper lip, eyes, and temples). It may also have other uses.
Additional information
Metvix (Methyl Aminolevulinate) is typically taken as 1 treatment session for actinic keratosis (precancerous skin growths) and 2 treatment sessions, each session is 7 days apart, for skin cancer. However, your doctor or pharmacist may have suggested a different schedule that is more appropriate for you. More than one lesion can be treated at a time and a maximum of 2 grams of Metvix can be used per session. It will be given to you by a doctor. Each treatment consists of lesion debriding – the lesion (affected area) is scraped with a small dermal curette to remove crusts and scales. Metvix cream is then applied to the lesion, which is then covered with a special bandage for 3 hours. Avoid exposure of the treated area to natural or artificial light and protect from cold temperatures. The special bandage is removed and the treated area is rinsed with saline solution to remove the cream. The lesion is then treated with a red LED light for about 10 minutes, goggles should be worn to protect the eyes. WARNING: The treatment using Metvix cream with light therapy must be provided to you by a doctor who is trained in its use. Treatment sites will become photosensitive (extreme sensitivity to light) and should be protected from sunlight or bright indoor light (e.g., examination lamps, operating room lamps, tanning beds, or lights at close proximity) and protected from extreme cold with adequate clothing or by remaining indoors between application of cream and red light illumination and for 48 hours after treatment. Sunscreens will not protect against photosensitivity reactions (heightened skin sensitivity or an unusual reaction when your skin is exposed to UV radiation from sunlight or a tanning bed) caused by visible light. After illumination, treated sites should be kept covered and away from light for at least 48 hours. In addition to its desired action, Metvix (Methyl Aminolevulinate) may cause some side effects, notably: It may cause burning feeling, redness, pain, stinging, and swelling. It may cause crusting, peeling, blisters, bleeding, itching, and ulcers (lesions). It may cause infections. Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to methyl aminolevulinate or any component of the formulation, including peanut and almond oil (has not been tested in patients with peanut allergy). Individuals with cutaneous (skin) photosensitivity, or allergy to porphyrins (products of heme synthesis, a substance necessary to bind oxygen in the bloodstream) should not use Metvix (Methyl Aminolevulinate). Taking Metvix (Methyl Aminolevulinate) during pregnancy may be harmful to the baby. Women of childbearing potential should use an effective contraceptive method. If you're planning a pregnancy, become pregnant, or are breastfeeding, contact your family doctor. A treatment with Metvix (Methyl Aminolevulinate) requires regular monitoring by a doctor. Be sure to see your doctor for all regularly scheduled appointments.Metvix (Methyl Aminolevulinate)
Each person may react differently to a treatment. If you think this medication may be causing side effects (including those described here, or others), talk to your doctor or pharmacist. He or she can help you to determine whether or not the medication is the source of the problem.
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