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HomePharmaHubDigestive HealthHemorrhoidsSDZ Proctomycin HC Ointment (Hydrocortisone Framycetin Dibucaine Esculin)


SDZ Proctomycin HC Ointment (Hydrocortisone Framycetin Dibucaine Esculin)

Brand: SDZ Proctomycin HC Ointment
Active Ingredient(s): Hydrocortisone Framycetin Dibucaine Esculin
Strength: 5 mg / 10 mg / 5 mg / 10 mg
Pack Size: 15 g Ointment
Store at room temperature.
DIN: 02242527
Manufacturer: Sandoz Canada Inc. (Canada)
Alternatives: Proctol Ointment


*A valid prescription is required for Rx items.

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SDZ Proctomycin HC Ointment (Hydrocortisone Framycetin Dibucaine Esculin) is a combination of agents used to treat the pain and inflammation of hemorrhoids (swollen veins in the lower rectum). The rectum is the last several inches of the large intestine. It may also have other uses.